Here is Tim Knight introducing our latest Organ Music competition and why we are delighted to be introducing, 'Organ Music for Praise and Worship', which we hope will be our most popular yet!
Pieces for this competition should be designed primarily for church services for use during the different seasons of the church's year. They can be preludes, postludes, pieces suitable for communion etc... even pieces suitable for filling those awkward gaps in services. Please bear in mind most English organs in the average Parish Church are 2-manual so use of tubas and other loud reeds should be restricted. Pieces for manuals only are just as welcome as there are many organists in small church settings that may originally be pianists. Please see all the rules and conditions of entry below.
Here is a short video from Viscount Organs Wales who have very generously agreed to support us with our competition by once again sponsoring the prize money.
Competition rules and how to enter - we will be accepting entries from 1st November 2021 and the closing date will be 1st February 2022:
The piece should follow the set theme of 'Organ Music for Praise and Worship' but it must not exceed 3 minutes in length. Any repeats that take it over this length need to be optional.
The piece must be suitable for an Organist of moderate standard and for an instrument of average size not exceeding 3 manuals.
The piece must be new music and not have previously been published or available elsewhere. However, it is acceptable to submit a piece based on an existing (public domain) tune.
Entries should be anonymous... ie, the scores not marked with the Composer's name to preserve impartiality. Any scores marked with the Composer's name will not be considered. Obviously, the winning scores will be reformatted with the addition of the Composer's name for publication.
Entries should be sent in a PDF format (and MP3 recording if available) together with a completed application form to by the closing date. Entries are limited to one piece per person.
Please email us at for an application form.
The winning entries will be chosen and be published (in printed and PDF formats) by Tim Knight Music under a standard publishing contract with royalties on sales payable on a pro rata basis per winning composer. The copyright is retained by the composer.
In addition, one First Prize place will be awarded, with the winner receiving £150.00 cash prize. A recording will be made of the winning piece.
The winning entries will be announced on our website and the anthology will be published during March 2022.
This competition is open to any Composers worldwide. We encourage entries from composers of all ages... however, if you are under the age of 18 and your piece is chosen as one of the winning entries, you will need a parent or guardian to sign the contract on your behalf.
If you have any questions or queries, please just get in touch.... otherwise we look forward to receiving your entry! Please feel free to pass this information on....

You can browse our current range of Organ Music via this link....