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We're blowing his trumpet!

Updated: May 24, 2022

Following on from the continued success of our previous three Organ Music competitions on the themes of 'Organ Music for Quiet Moments', 'Organ Music for Joyful Moments' and 'Organ Music for Solemn Moments', we are now delighted to announce the winners of our fourth competition on the theme of 'Organ Music for Praise and Worship' and would like to thank each and every person from around the globe who entered for your support and interest - the standard, as ever, was very high and our winning pieces (we hope you will agree) fit the brief of our theme perfectly!

We are greatly indebted to Viscount Organ Wales ( once again for sponsoring the prize money for this competition and our outright winner claiming the cash prize is:

'Procession', by Jeff Enns

Jeff has had commissions from across Canada, the U.S., Dubai, and New Zealand. In addition to singing professionally with the Elora Singers and the Canadian Chamber Choir, he is the organist and choir director at the Anglican Church of the Holy Saviour in Waterloo, ON, where he directs a thriving music program. He is also the music department head at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate in Kitchener, ON, where he directs the choral and strings programs for grades 7-12.

Jeff's piece was enthusiastically adjudged as follows...."Although there are many trumpet tunes for organ, this one adopts a novel approach, both in the perky main theme and in the (very) contrasted middle section..."

A few words from the winning composer

"I am very pleased to have won this competition. This piece was written at the invitation of a friend who was hosting a Pipe Organ Week for students at her church. Each student had an opportunity to perform the piece during the week and it was more of a welcoming piece, rather than a test piece. This is a good memory from pre-pandemic times, and I hope that many more organists of all ages will feel "welcomed" to this piece."

We are also once again indebted to Jerry Martin for providing us with this wonderful recording of the winning piece ...

The other winning entries (in no particular order) which will be published with 'Processional' in the anthology booklet (see below for our special pre-release offer price) are as follows:

'Meditation' by Graham Twist

Graham, who has been passionate about all things organ from the age of eight, now completes his hat-trick of compositions published by us! Graham says of his composition 'Meditation': "This composition explores changing moods around a melancholic idea recognising our personal shortcomings, but expressing at its climax a short paean before quietly fading to peaceful thanks for the forgiving love found in forgiveness and redemption... I have dedicated the work to a fabulous organist based in London called Paul Swinden".

'O God Unseen' by Pietro Cattaneo

Born in Como (Italy) Pietro earned the degree in Organ at the Diocesan Music School “Luigi Picchi” in Como, studying with Alessandro La Ciacera, organist at Milan Cathedral and continued his musical studies with Andrea Schiavio, organist at Sant'Abbondio Basilica (Como). Pietro is currently assistant organist at San Mercuriale Abbey in Forlì and organist of the parish church choir in his hometown, Cavallasca, not far from Como. His composition, 'O God Unseen', is inspired by a Eucharistic poem written by M. Adamo Pasini, who in the early years of 20th century was Abbot of San Mercuriale Abbey in Forlì. The text begins with the words 'O God unseen, o lovely Lord'.

'Sursum Corda' by Stephen Barber

You may remember Stephen (who has retired and plays at his local church in Northamptonshire after a long career playing the organ in various churches in London and Peterborough) as the winner of our previous competition and we are delighted to congratulate him once again! Stephen's composition 'Sursum Corda' (translation: 'Lift up our hearts') was written as a meditative piece that could be played during communion or before a service and was adjudged as: "An expressive piece, evoking the mood of prayer and incense. The colourful harmonies enhance this mood of mystery".

The Anthology printed booklet (TKM867) will be released on 15th March 2022 priced at £10.95, but it is now available only via Tim Knight Music website at the

PRE-ORDER PRICE of just £8.95

The offer is valid until the release date above (a PDF download will be made available for sale after the release date)

Click on the cover page to take you to the order page ....

If you have any queries, please email us at




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